- 1 box Anne’s Dumpling Strips
- 1 Can of Dessert Pie Filling (if using dessert option)
Topping Variations of Your Choice for Fried Dumplings:
- Sea Salt, Parmesan Cheese, and Popcorn Seasoning Salt.
- 1 cup of Powdered or Granulated Sugar with a few drops of lemon, orange, or rum extract
- Granulated Sugar/Cinnamon Mixture
Fried pastry strips may be used like crackers or served as dessert. Preheat oil in deep pan or fry daddy type appliance to 400 degrees. Using strips that are partially thawed cut each strip while on the paper sheet into 4 squares with a pizza cutter. Carefully drop 12 squares into oil and quickly start stirring with a slotted spoon. Squares will puff up like pillows. Cook until light brown, remove with slotted spoon and drain on paper towel. Sprinkle with seasoning(s).
Dessert Variation
Cut each strip into 10 pieces and fry. Coat with granulated sugar/cinnamon mixture. Using a canned pie filling, warm filling in a bowl in microwave.
In a dessert dish place 4 fried strips and top with the pie filling mixture. Ice cream anyone???