Harvest Time Foods Goes “Green”
As a responsible manufacturer, Harvest Time Foods, as it grows, seeks to find ways to be a beneficial contributor to the continuance of a viable, safe, and comfortable world environment so that future generations will be able to enjoy the pleasures God has placed here on planet earth for us. Our management has worked diligently the last 14 years to make changes in our company and on the 40 acres where we not only have a workplace environment, but also live and play, which would positively impact our world.
Our Contributions to a Greener Environment:
- A new white metal roof has been installed on our facility and all buildings are light in color.
- All interior walls are painted with a light color paint containing mold inhibitors.
- As many office supplies as possible are recyclable or are of recycled materials.
- Where possible, lighting has been replaced with energy efficient light bulbs and fixtures.
- All new office machines and computers purchased are Energy Star compliant.
- All ink and toner cartridges are recycled.
- All company vehicles are maintained regularly with attention to fuel saving and checking tire pressures.
- Water conservation is addressed in low volume toilets and low flow faucet aerators.
- For items that use batteries, all are replaced with rechargeable batteries.
- Thermostats are set with night and weekend settings and business hours are set and locked in.
- Insulation has been evaluated and added to as needed for optimum barriers.
- All cardboard is broken down and recycled.
- All janitorial products used are environmentally friendly.
- 1.1 acre pond for rainwater runoff.
- Printed paper that one side is usable is cut up for notes instead of purchasing memo pads.
- Distribution centers are utilized to cut our CO2 footprint.
- Our production scheduling implements the utilization of fewer days with longer hours to save on waste, energy costs, fewer sick days and employees save 20% on their travel expenses.
- On the property are 18 pecan trees that provide shade for cooling and yielded 600 pounds of pecans in 2008.
- On the property are apple trees, peach trees, fig trees, blackberry bushes, and plum trees, all providing fruit.
- There are approximately 1500 trees that have been planted since 1990 which lower air temperatures, help alleviate air pollution, reduce rainwater run off, and aesthetically add to the beauty of the property.
- Landscape watering is done late in the day to preserve water.
- Water generators provide drinking water made from air thus eliminating hauling in bottled water.
- A 30′ x 100′ greenhouse provides organic food with a spring garden and a fall garden.
- The pond provides fresh fish (catfish, brim, and bass), which are fed automatically by a solar feeder.
- By meeting stringent requirements, the plant facility has been certified organic.
- All hot water heaters are insulated to save on heating.
- We strive to buy our supplies as close to home as possible to save on freight costs.
- We have minimum shipping requirement to cut costs to the consumer by being able to ship cheaper.
- We order in larger quantities to save on freight costs.
- We have a natural habitat area here and have mute swans, geese, ducks, rabbits, deer, foxes, turtles, and occasionally a bear.
- Our pet chickens, Buff Orpingtons, provide about 12 dozen eggs a week and are stress relievers and wonderful insect scavengers.
- An abundance of flowering bushes, bulbs and unusual plants give beauty to the landscape and add fragrance to the air.
- Our packaging materials are recyclable.
- Our freezers are monitored and set to save electricity.
- On premises there are two generators that can provide enough energy to run the facility and we partner with the town of Ayden exchanging power for reduced electrical cost.
- The CO2 footprint generated by our CO2 freezing tunnel is diminished by the trees and vegetation we have planted.
- Our bird feeders and birdhouses attract many varieties of birds that help the environment, beautify the property, control insects, and help keep the cycle of nature in balance.